Monster girl quest guide hard mode
Monster girl quest guide hard mode

monster girl quest guide hard mode

Now go through the next door into a corridor, then peek through the West door to see a terrified servant, which seems safe enough. Search the chest on the West side of the room to find a piece of Mystery meat which can be used to fully heal and then check the grandfather clock to find that its hands are missing. After peeking through it, enter the South-West door to find yourself in a dining room. In this entrance hall you'll see four doors around the outside.Įvery door in the mansion has the right-click option to peek through the keyhole and see what's on the other side, You should always do this before attempting to open a door and if there's mist coming from under it, do not attempt to open the door as the spirit is the other side. You'll see a quick cutscene showing the ghost of a child before it passes through a door and you can begin to explore the mansion. Ignore the warning when you try to open the door and enter. If you're carrying any items, bank them in the deposit box next to Maria and head up the steps into the mansion. Accept the quest and she'll tell you that the owner of the mansion, Ingram unleashed a powerful spirit while searching the basement and then ask you to try and save as many people as you can and lay the spirit to rest.

monster girl quest guide hard mode

Talk to Maria outside the mansion found North East of Varrock and she'll ask for your help in dealing with a ghost which is killing everyone inside the mansion. You can't open them all in single play through, but once after you've completed the quest and replay it again. Note: This quest has a total of 9 chests with a magical temporal seal that require all the levels from 10 to 90 in order to open.

Monster girl quest guide hard mode